Tuesday, December 23

A Typical Day...If You Know What I Mean

Well, Kendall and I have figured out one thing that is for certain living in Africa. When everything works and all is well...WAIT...because in 36-72 hours many things are going to go crazy and break.

So, this week we realized that our toilet is leaking, sink is leaking, and the hot water in the shower drips all night and can't be turned off. Summary: our bathroom is rendered useless until we can get all the parts to fix it because calling someone to fix it means that they will mess it up more or fix it for the time they are here and then it breaks the moment they exit the gate.

Then yesterday, the printer's fuse has burned up or something. This happens right as Kendall was about to print his lesson before he taught. Then as he was hooking everything up to see what was wrong, the power went off! Yup, Kendall took the laptop with him to the bush to teach from, but the battery doesn't last long so he used our AC adapter to plug it in.

On Saturday, the dryer stopped working. Kendall tried everything to get it working again. Since it is the rainy season and it rains everyday and doesn't get dry enough to dry anything it is hard to dry clothes on the line. So yesterday, Kendall goes to look at the plug and the fuse had blown. Thankfully we have stock piled fuses around here and now the dryer works! YAHOO!!

Finally, last night as I was putting Lauren in the tub for her bath I realized that the water was ice cold. I let the water run and run and run and no hot water! In my mind and out of my mouth came "AHHHH what in the world...is this the money pit??" Needless to say, for some reason the geyser (hot water heater) had been tripped and was switched off. Kendall flipped a switch and WAH LAH...it was fixed!

I know that you all know how it feels to have so many things go wrong in a short period of time but I just feel like some days it is magnified because we don't have Home Depot or 1-800-Handyman to come fix everything. But one thing that I am learning is that God is good and that I am thankful that God is giving Kendall wisdom to learn how to fix the many things that break in our home or need repairs! Last night as I watched the cold water flow from our faucet, it hit me again like so many times before...Joy be thankful for the running water, a roof that doesn't leak, a truck that is fully functioning, a healthy family, electricity, washing machine, dryer healthy family, clothes, food, a bed that doesn't lay on the floor, screens on the windows, and much much more. Then I realized once again, I am blessed and the days in Africa are great although they may be long and full of frustration, I am blessed to be called by God to be here.

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