Monday, July 26


Last night, we had an unusual and awesome surprise in Nyimba...RAIN! It is quite unusual to have rain this time of year but it was awesome! After the rains stopped, the bugs came out! This morning when we woke up and looked out onto our back porch, we saw the most beautiful moth we had ever seen. "She" was green, purple, and pink! She was still alive, so Lily decided that she needed to adopt her for the day! She carried "Galinda" around all day long. When it was time for school she put her inside a little lamp that we have that is in the shape of a house so that Galinda could take a nap! After school, she took her back outside to "play". As I was working on our newsletter, Lily came and and put Galinda on my arm and I about wigged out! It was hilarious! Oh the joys of having an abundance of random wildlife in our yard and the memories that come with it!

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