Lauren loves Zeria so much!
The third child really can get neglected in regards to documentation of growth, fun stories, etc. I have really tried to keep up with little Lauren, but she is growing so fast and the days just fly by! She is Miss Personality to the max! She is always into coloring the walls with Sharpies, taking lids off of sippy cups and dumping them on the floor, etc etc. She is jibber jabbering like crazy now and it is so fun! I cannot even begin to spell the words that she says! She loves Zeria and Paul so much and basically if either of them are here...Mom and Dad are obsolete...I love it and they do to! She loves Easton so much and when he is sad and crying she goes to him and pats him on the back until he is finished being sad. She loves to sit with Lily and color with her in her coloring books. Some Zambian children at a local church named her "Melody", Kendall and I have to agree that it is an excellent name for her because she dances and claps everytime she hears music. I cannot believe that our little girl is 17 months old! Where has the time gone? Praise the Lord for this beautiful little girl that He has blessed us with, may I, as a mother, never fail to cherish these awesome, yet sometime nerve wracking experiences!