Wednesday, September 21

Splitting Hairs

I am going to put Lauren's thoughts (or how I perceive them) into words in regards to her hair.
"Oh come on Mom, seriously, do you have to put those bands, clips, and bows in my hair? I mean, I really prefer for my bangs to hang over my eyes so that I can hide the dirt on my forehead! And it is so much more fun to push the hair out of my face with muddy hands so that I leave an abstract work of art on my face. So to make your life more difficult, I am going to remove the hair "clippies" every hour just to get a rise out of you and to see what device you will put in next! HA!"
Well, after a Skype conversation with D-Daddy, he made a great observation stating that her hair-do was an accessory to the attitude and awesome personality (emphasis and desciptive words added by me). So, for D-Daddy and my sake, I implemented the 5 rubber band hair-do yesterday! It went over well and she only removed 3 of the bands! Today, we are attempting "braid piggies" as he Daddy calls them!

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